
PBW Cleaner - Powder

1 lb.
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PBW Cleaner - Powder
Product Details

A safe alkaline cleaner for everything in your brewing universe! Formulated to remove organic soils, such as leftover krausen. Safe for use on metals, rubber gaskets, tubing, plastic fermenters, and your skin. Crafted Bottler does not recommend using PBW on plastic auto-siphon or wine thief parts as it will cause cracking.

PBW (Powdered Brewery Wash) is a favorite of small home breweries because it out-performs dangerous caustic chemicals without scrubbing. Just put your kettle, bottles, carboy, etc. in for a good long soak and watch dirt, krausen and any other organic material simply rinse or wipe away. Will not corrode soft metals.

USE CAUTION when you use PBW in closed equipment. When you mix hot water and PBW in an air or water-tight space, it will create pressure. 

Have questions about cleaning and sanitizing your equipment? Check out our blog post on cleaners and sanitizers to learn more!

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