Mead Ingredients
Mead, often considered the oldest fermented beverage, is essentially a wine made from honey. The process of making mead involves just a few key ingredients: high-quality honey, yeast, and specific fermentation nutrients to ensure tasty mead. It's a remarkably simple process that can be easily managed at home, but one should never skimp on the nutrients. Without these, the yeast and honey can struggle during fermentation, potentially leading to off-flavors in your mead. The versatility of mead allows it to be crafted in various styles, from dry to semi-sweet, or even as sweet as ice wine, based on your taste preference. However, the experimentation doesn't end there; you can enhance your mead by adding cider to create a cyser, fruits for a melomel or berry mead, grape juice for a pyment, spices for a metheglin, or even malt wort (unfermented beer) to produce a braggot. If you're ready to embark on this brewing adventure, our Mead Ingredient Kit provides all the yeast and yeast nutrients you'll need to make five gallons of mead. This simple yet perfect kit has been developed in consultation with award-winning professional mead makers, ensuring top-quality results. Pair it with our Mead, Cider, and Wine Making Equipment kit for all your mead making needs. View our Mead Recipe on our blog.