
Corn Sugar (Dextrose) 50 lbs.

50 pound bag 
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Corn Sugar (dextrose) 50 lbs.
Product Details

Popular size with home distillers.

Corn sugar (dextrose) is used for priming bottle-conditioned beer or boosting gravity. 

In addition to being used for priming bottled conditioned beer, priming sugar can also be used to help increase specific gravity in light beers or wines. It will dry out the finish in beers. Used in quantities over 2 pounds per 5 gallons in wine it will produce a thinner bodied wine. In wines, grape concentrates should be used with corn sugar to maintain body and mouth feel.

Corn sugar produces no off-flavors when fermented unlike table sugar. Table sugar will give an unpleasant taste if used in quantities over 1 lb. per 5 gallons.

Roughly 3.4 ounces of Corn Sugar per gallon will boost ABV by 1%

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