
Ball Lock Gas MFL Disconnect

Gas IN
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Copy of Ball Lock Gas MFL Disconnect
Product Details
  • High quality plastic ball lock quick disconnect
  • Smooth operation—clicks into place on keg posts and is easily removed
  • 1/4" MFL for attaching Barb Swivel Sets to give freedom of barb sizes to accommodate differing line diameters
  • Grey plastic clearly identifies the disconnect as the Gas In
  • Pair with our 5/16-inch swivel set or 1/4-inch swivel sets (sold separately)

This grey, gas in quick disconnect comes with a MFL for attaching to barbed swivel sets.

Note: Ball lock fittings can be difficult to get fully seated on a Cornelius keg. We recommend using a quick spray of sanitizer solution to act as a lubricant and giving it a few twists while applying the ball lock.

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