Caramunich® Type 2 - Weyermann®
$0.29 - $2.89
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Product Details
CaraMunich Type 2 is made from the finest German quality brewing barley. Due to Weyermann's special caramelization process, a complete caramelization within the grain is achieved. This malt is perfect for amber to dark copper colored beers and intensifies the malt body.
- Usage: Up to 10% for adding depth and complexity to the malt profiles of styles like Fest bier, Maerzen, Smoked beer, Kellerbier, Bamberger Maerzen, Rauchbier, Schwarzbier, Helles Bock, Dark Bock, Ice Bock, Weizenbock, English Pale Mild Ale, English Dark Mild Ale, Brown IPA, British Strong Ale, Imperial Red Ale, Irish Stout, Oatmeal Stout, Russian Imperial Stout, Coconut Porter, Chocolate Porter, Brown Porter, Robust Porter, Smoked Porter, Imperial Porter
- Color: 41.9-49.5 Lovibond
- Flavor: pronounced caramel aroma with pastry notes