
Wine Corks #9 x 1.5"

$7.99 - $16.99
#9 x 1.5" (23mm x 38mm)
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Wine Corks #9 x 1.5"
Product Details

First quality agglomerated corks for 375ml, 750 ml and 1.5 L wine bottles. Best inserted with a floor or bench corker. 1.5” in length.

Fit standard 375 ml, 750 ml and 1.5 liter wine bottles, best inserted with a floor or bench corker; we do not recommend using handheld corkers with #9 corks.

#9 corks create a tight seal with the bottle, making it ideal for aging wine or mead for up to 3 years.

Unsure of what type of cork to use for your wine? Read our blog post "Corks: What Type Should I Choose?" to help you decide.

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