8 oz.

Product Details
What is Bentonite?
Bentonite is a gray, clay granule that is used in wines as a clarifier. It is unique in that it possess a negative electrostatic charge. This attracting charge along with hydrogen bonding, causes suspended particles in the wine to cling to it as it settles to the bottom of the container.
What Are The Advantages Of Using Bentonite?
There are several advantages to using Bentonite. It is very effective in dragging out yeast, tannins and other stubborn protein-based particles that may want to linger after fermentation. The result is a wine with a glassy clear appearance and a color that is radiant. It also helps to reduce the occurrence of certain off-flavors, as well as reduce the wine's ability to oxidize.
How Is Bentonite Used?
Bentonite is relatively easy to use. You start out by mixing it with water into a slurry. The slurry will have the consistency of a thin, watery cement mix. A dose of the slurry mix is then stirred into the wine.
The method we recommended for making the slurry is to use boiling water and to mix it in a blender. Blend it for 1 to 2 minutes until a creamy head is formed. The recommended mix is 3 teaspoons of Bentonite to 1/2 cup of boiling water for every 5 gallons
Are There Any Tips For Using Bentonite?
It is now common practice to add bentonite BEFORE fermentation. Due to the static charge, Bentonite works best when moving around the wine and during primary fermentation wine swirls and churns making this the optimum movement for the Bentonite to attract particles.
Should you decide to add it after fermentation; there are a couple of thing you can do to make your Bentonite treatment more effective:
1. The colder the wine is the stronger the Bentonite's static charge. At room temperature Bentonite is usually adequately effective, but by chilling the wine down to around 45 degrees the Bentonite's strength is enhanced considerably.
2. When adding the Bentonite to the wine, it is best to stir it in thoroughly. Don't agitate the wine, but smoothly blend it in to where you know, without question, that it is evenly dispersed throughout the wine.
3. Stirring the wine several times after the Bentonite has been added, will give the Bentonite more time to attract particles before settling. For example, stir it once every hour or so throughout an evening.