
SafAle S 04 Brewing Yeast

$4.99 - $12.99
SafAle S 04 Dry Beer Yeast
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SafAle S 04 Brewing Yeast
SafAle S 04 Brewing Yeast
SafAle S 04 Brewing Yeast
Product Details

Safale S-04 English ale yeast has a fast fermentation and high flocculation rate. This ale yeast is recommended for a large variety of ale beers.

S-04 is well-known for its fast fermentation character and its ability to form a very compact sediment (trub) at the end of the fermentation, helping to improve beer clarity. High sedimentation. Optimum fermentation temperature: 59°-68° F

Yeast Features:

  • Fermentation Temperature: 59–68F
  • Attenuation: 72–82%
  • Alcohol Tolerance: 9-11%

Use for:

  • Milds
  • Stouts
  • Porters
  • Brown Ales

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