LalBrew® Windsor™ Dry Brewing Yeast

LalBrew® Windsor British Ale Dry Yeast (Danstar) produces full-bodied, fruity English ales. Depending on the substrate, the Windsor demonstrates moderate attenuation that will leave a relatively high gravity.
LalBrew® Windsor British Ale Dry Yeast (Danstar) ale yeast originates in England. This yeast produces a beer that is estery to both palate and nose with a slight fresh yeasty flavor. These are usually described as full-bodied, fruity English ales. Depending on the substrate, the Windsor demonstrates moderate attenuation that will leave a relatively high gravity (density). An innovative new vacuum packaging method allows the brewer to ensure that the package is fully sealed prior to use.
- Beer Styles: English Ales, Pale Ales, Porters
- Aroma: Fruity, Estery
- Fermentation Temperature Range: 59 - 72°F
- Optimum Temp: 64°-70° F
- Attenuation: Medium
- Flocculation: Low
- Alcohol Tolerance: 12% ABV