
LalBrew® London™ Dry Brewing Yeast

$6.99 - $19.98
LalBrew ® London English Ale Yeast
LalBrew® London™ Dry Brewing Yeast
Product Details

LalBrew® London English Ale Dry Yeast is a true English ale strain selected for reliable fermentation performance and moderate ester production that lets the flavors and aromas of malt and hops shine through. LalBrew® London English Ale Dry Yeast was selected from the Lallemand yeast culture library and is an excellent choice not only for brewing Extra Special Bitter but for other authentic heritage UK styles like Pale Ale, Bitter and Mild. LalBrew® London English Ale Dry Yeast may also be used in the production of Ciders.

  • Beer Styles: English-style ales, Pale Ale, Bitter, Mild, Ciders
  • Aroma: Fruity, Estery, Malt
  • Fermentation Temperature Range: 65 - 72°F
  • Optimum Temp: 66°-68° F
  • Attenuation: Medium
  • Flocculation: Low
  • Alcohol Tolerance: 12% ABV
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