
Distillers Barley - Briess

$0.16 - $2.29
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Distillers Barley - Briess
Product Details

Briess Distillers provides an exceptionally high alpha amylase and diastatic power for maximum fermentable yield. Briess Distillers malt is a 2-row base malt made specifically with the distilling industry in mind. It has a high level of alpha amylase enzyme for increased diastatic power. This makes it perfect for mashing with large amounts of adjuncts. Distiller’s malt has been designed to convert grain bills comprised primarily of corn. A portion of this malt in any mash can help to convert sugars from adjunct sources, such as pumpkin or flaked maize (corn).


  • Usage: <25% - Up to 100% in distilled spirits. 
  • Color: 2.4 Lovibond
  • Diastatic Power: 250 Lintner
  • Flavor: Grainy, Grassy, hint of cucumber. Whisky Malt
NOTE on Whisky Barley Choice: A high-quality 2-row pale ale or pilsen brewer's malt is a better start for an “all” malt whiskey grain bill. Craft distillers, wanting to produce an “all” malt whiskey style, like Scotch or Irish, where the malt is the sole source of extract and provides the entire enzyme package for conversion of that extract as well as flavor.
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