
Airlock - S type

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Airlock - S type
Airlock - S type
Airlock - S type
Product Details
Airlocks are another one of those necessary pieces of equipment for every wine maker and homebrewer.  S-shaped airlocks are the original airlocks for homebrewing and winemaking. They make it easy to spot fermentation activity, and have no pieces to lose.

Fill with a sanitizer or Vodka and insert in a drilled stopper or the top of a fermentation lid with grommet to vent gases during fermentation.

The advantage of this type of airlock is that they have a smaller chamber so you can more closely observe the CO2 rising and therefore the rate of fermentation. S-shaped locks are best for longer secondary ferments and aging because the liquid in the chamber cannot evaporate as quickly as a 3-piece Airlock. They cannot be cleaned manually if they get dirty during the ferment. That is why many homebrewers prefer 3-piece airlocks for the active portion of the ferment, when the Krausen (foam) from fermentation might be pushed up into the airlock.

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